Homelessness Outreach Program
The Homelessness Outreach program works to establish programs and services that aid in preventing homelessness while ensuring that individuals have the necessary tools to assist themselves. The program promotes access to education, employment, health and social services.
Program Goal
This program promotes a ‘continuum of support’ approach to eliminating homelessness while coordinating a community driven approach to addressing homelessness in our community.
Program Objectives
To continue to coordinate and expand outreach services to ensure that the homeless can access all relevant services and supports that are available. To enhance existing supports in accessing, locating and maintaining housing. To secure funding and provide increased access and awareness to services available for the homeless and the at-risk homeless population.
Program Components
A Homelessness Outreach Worker and a community Homelessness Committee comprised of various local community agencies, a dedication to increasing access and awareness to services available for the homeless and the at-risk homeless.
Services Offered
- Food Bank – Hours of operation: Tuesday – Friday 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (NOTE: due to funding cuts, as of April 1, 2016, access to the food bank will be every 60 days)
- Advocacy and Referrals
- Emergency Transportation Support
- Community Presentations and Workshops
- Drop-In Centre
- Emergency Temporary Shelter Assistance
- Emergency Discretionary Fund
Please feel free to call or drop by the U.N.F.C. for more information.
The Homelessness Outreach Program is funded by Human Resources Skills and Development Canada (HRSDC)
Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services – Assisted home ownership and home repair for Off-Reserve homes.
Join us on facebook! https://www.facebook.com/homelessnessoutreach/
Jennifer Kivimaki, Homelessness Outreach Worker
Position Vacant, Homelessness Outreach Assistant
Phone: (807)274-8541
Fax: (807)274-4110
United Native Friendship Centre
P.O. Box 752
427 Mowat Avenue
Fort Frances, ON P9A 3N1
Food Bank Hours:
Monday – Friday
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. & 1:00-3:00 p.m.