Welcome to United Native Friendship Centre

In recognition of the ever changing world in which we live, the United Native Friendship Centre is dedicated to enhancing the lives of Native and non-Native people in our community and surrounding area.

Its primary responsibility is to serve Indigenous people with special services in the fields of social, educational and cultural development while, at the same time, building a bridge of understanding between Native and non-Native people.

Our Main Office is located at 427 Mowat Avenue, Fort Frances, Ontario.  The main entrance is located on the North side of the building. 

Urban Indigenous Proud – Zaagi’idiwin

Love Like Eagles
Wake the Youth Film Project

Love Like Eagles – Wake the Youth

Become a Member of the UNFC

Memberships are $5.00 per person (18 years and older) or $10.00 per family and are payable upon renewal or application. It is important that your membership is up to date in order for you to nominate, vote or stand for a position on the Board of Directors. All paid members 18 years and older are eligible for these privileges.

Note: All memberships are annual and expire on March 31st each year.

All new membership applications must be accepted by the UNFC Board of Directors at their monthly meetings. New members will be notified once their application has been accepted.

Please stop by the centre at 427 Mowat Avenue, Fort Frances, to apply for or renew your membership or call UNFC Receptionist at 274-8541 or email inquiry@unfc.org

Membership Form

New members are always welcome!
