Alternative Secondary School Program
Alternative Secondary School Program
ATTENTION STUDENTS, PARENTS, GUARDIANS AND SERVICE USERS: To contact our Alternative Secondary School Classroom Teachers, please phone 807-274-8745. This is the new phone number to the classroom.
The mission of the Alternative Secondary School Program is to create a comfortable and educational environment that is sensitive to the needs of our students. In a culture-based setting, all areas of life (emotional, intellectual, physical and spiritual) are addressed so that the student can become an active member in the community and obtain an Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
This is a partnership between the United Native Friendship Centre, Fort Frances High School and the Rainy River District School Board. Funding is supported by the Ministry of Education.
Who: Anyone who is interested in completing Ontario Secondary School Diploma
Where: United Native Friendship Centre- 427 Mowat Avenue, Fort Frances
When: Classes are offered Monday- Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Caring, Learning and Growing Together
The Alternative Secondary School Program offers our students the opportunity to learn in a quiet and relaxed atmosphere. The program is based on individual, independent learning courses that students can complete at their own pace. The Alternative Secondary School Program offers additional tutoring, should the student require this service.
Classroom activities include one-on-one tutoring and small group instruction. There are two on-site teachers at all times.
The Alternative Secondary School Program offers a lunch program to our enrolled students.
Students will have the opportunity to participate in extra-curricular activities.
On-site teachers who will mark and review completed lessons.
The United Native Friendship Centre Alternative Secondary School is a satellite of Fort Frances High School. Fort Frances High School has an excellent selection of academic courses available. The linkage with Fort Frances High School provides our students with expanded program opportunities and a choice for students to re-enter the mainstream program.
We offer a variety of high school courses in math, English, history, geography, science and business administration. Other courses offered if available.
Roles and Responsibilities of Students
- Attend school 18 hours per week
- Complete a minimum of two lessons per week
- Participate in weekly student meetings
- Participate in school activities
All students must register at the Fort Frances High School.
Tracy Jensen, Education Support Worker
Kennedy Nelson, Education Support Assistant
Phone: 807-274-8541
Roben Ogden, Classroom Teacher
Jennifer Leishman, Principal
Classroom phone number to contact teachers: 807-274-8745